As we are ISO 9001 certified our QC processes in design, manufacture and installation are key. In addition to the two sign off stages during the design process, we often look to where prototypes and mockups would be beneficial. Both to our clients and to aid our technical design team. It’s vital we allow internal and external stakeholders to evaluate proposed designs.
Product: Banquette Booth Seating
Materials: Crown Cut Oak Veneer, Ultrafabrics Ultraleather in Curry 291
Special Notes: Sprung base to seat to improve quality and user experience
Intended for a prestigious office fitout project in Manchester, this seating prototype functions as an aid for the client, to check comfort levels and for the design team, to ensure that the bespoke framework within the seat works with the requested rake and depth of the upholstery foams. Following approval, a further 20lm of curved seating will be manufactured for installation on site by our team of skilled fitters.